Liveset Impovisation (EN)
- 42/100 Students
- LiveSet
- 1 Leçon(s) /0 Quizes
➜ Level : Beginners
➜ Subject : Ableton, Native Instruments et controllers
➜ Course Content : The Improvisation approach in electronic music
Diffusé le 19 SEPTEMBRE 2020
► Par 69DB (Spiral Tribe/SP23)
Bio : 69DB has been improvising on liveset since 1991. Over the 20 years he’s worked all over the world in raves of all kinds from free commercial. The journey Began on Londons underground Sounsystem’s in the early 90’s then progressed to Manland. Europe where he’s been playing out all over Spiral tribe Records. Network 23 records, Drop Bass records, Rabbit city…. Much of 69db’s output was be found on Expressillon the paris based label 1998-201. For vinyl these days go to Toolbox records ( also Paris based. On the net 69db can be heard on Mixcloud/69db and here one Soundcloud/69db. Also many mixes are to be found on /tag/69db/.
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